Saturday, 8 September 2012

Touristing About the Place: Intro

One thing that has always puzzled me is why tourists come here to West Cork… I grew up here so as far as I'm concerned it's boring and I want out! The sooner the better. Yet there has to be something that draws in thousands of people, both foreign holiday-makers and Irish 'staycation'-ers, every year.

Considering the recent spate of glorious weather, I took the chance to do touristy things around West Cork… and I mean proper Wesht Cork (none of your Bandon nonsense – but that’s a totally different rant!). I live in Bantry and it is centre to 3 peninsulas that see a lot of tourist traffic. These are Mizen Head, Sheep’s Head and Beara. So my plan is to do a blog on each of these peninsulas and jam pack them with pictures! 

Who knows, if these go down well (or entertain me myself enough) then I might take it further than West Cork... On verra! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the follow, Niamh. Nice blog.
