Thursday, 19 July 2012

We had a little furry visitor today...

The highlight of today was the visit of this furry little creature..

I haven't had a pet for almost 5 years, so you can imagine the excitement of having a (non-ferile) cat stroll down our drive :D I had to get my camera phone out to snap the beauty. He was so friendly, playful and I had him purring in no time.. It was clear he loved me and I loved him!

Out of all the cats we had before (around 15!!), we never had ginger & white tabby. We had ginger persian cats though.. But anyways, Just after naming him Eddy (after Ed Sheeran) and I had convinced my cat-hating mother to keep him, a car came down our drive and a little boy was looking for his kitten :( I was heartbroken but at least I'll still have the pictures!

LOOK AT HIM... he could be a model with that pose!

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

10 Day Challenge: The Second Half

Like I promised, I'm not doing this correctly, i.e. doing one blog per day. After cycling (mostly uphill!!) for 2 hours and considering how unfit I am... bed is my location for the evening and so I'm going to pass my time finishing off this "10" day challenge :P

5 Things You Can't Live Without: 

1. The Internet! I can't go a day without coming online! Twitter is my addiction at the moment. I honestly can't imagine what I'd be doing without... maybe being intellectual and reading a book :P

2. Coca Cola - yes I know it's bad for me but I love it! Like I say to Mom when she gives out about it, 'There's worse types of coke to be addicted to!'
3. Sleep - an obvious one but I love sleep. I always sleep in. I just love chilling in my bed in general :D
4. Music - Love it. Can't go a day without it. I always need music on in the background!
5. Hugs - prefer cuddles but hugs are good. They just make you feel all nice and warm.  Always make me feel better!

4 Memories You Won't Forget:

1. Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat: When I was in primary school we did this play in 4th class. Our teacher, Mrs Brown was (and still is) my favourite teacher ever. She always encouraged us. We were her thespians during the production! I had the role of the Narrator...and if you've seen this play, you'll know that the Narrator is a pretty big role. Therefore I was the only one allowed to have the script in front me. However, with me being a dope, I left my script in the make-shift 'make-up' room! Miraculously I remembered all my lines (seriously proud moment!). Also this was the first time wearing make-up for all of us. Poor Liz had a hard job putting eye-liner on us, especially the lads! I wore a special handmade top my sister got from Thailand and a cool yellow sarong. This was way before the days of digital cameras (possibly before instant cameras!), and so was recorded on a camcorder. I still have the videotape of the play but that is going to remain well hidden forever (hopefully!). But, I still have that red top just because of the memories it holds...

2. Ardscoil Phobal: Christmas Céilí & Paris; We really were the year all the teachers loved, they let their hair down around us! 

               Before Christmas holidays, we convinced the teachers to let us have a little party. People brought in their instruments (guitar, accordions, fiddle, flute, banjo and dancing shoes!). We occupied the largest class room and went around the room with everyone either playing a tune or doing some Irish dancing or singing a song (Willie McBride was a crowd pleaser!). A bit of set dancing followed. The best parts were when the school prinicpal sang as song, the caretaker played the accordion and our history teach sang An Puc Ar Buile! We saw a different side to our teachers that day!
               The 5th year school tour to Paris was incredible. It was a Paddy's weekend which added to the craic. Disneyland was great, favourite ride was Indiana Jones! We went to the Palace of Versailles where we made rubbish attempts at speaking French! We did the boat cruise of the Seine in the bitter cold so we were huddled together. The most memorable part of the tour was St. Paddy's night... We went to the top of the Eiffel Tower and belted out the national anthem and the Fields of Athenry! C'était incroyable!

3. The Coronas @ Cypress Avenue: First year in college I went to see the 2fm 2moro Tour. This free tour was to feature new and upcoming band. In 2008, the line-up was Juno Falls, Boss Volenti and The Coronas. The Coronas had only just released San Diego Song a few weeks earlier so were relatively unheard of! I went with my lovely crazy flatmates Fiona and Louise. There was only 50 or so people there. Juno Falls was good and handed out free CDs after. Boss Volenti were really good! (Check out their song Deeper Than Deep here if you've never heard of them!) Amazing thing about them was that contrary to the usual girls drooling over the lead guy... us girls were drooling over the female lead guitarist! She was hot and laidback and talented! We just wanted to be her! Then there was a break when I meet the most lovely guy ever. A New Zealand guy called James. Such a genuine lovely guy (and he had a girlfriend back home, so it wasn't like that!). He had only recently moved over and the only people he knew were his cousins from I was his first Irish friend! We were chatting for ages before and after The Coronas. When The Coronas came on stage, we returned to the area just in front of the stage...within arm's reach! I'll never forget singing San Diego Song and Grace Don't Wait with the girls! Great night! 

4. Tequila Night in Kilkenny: Laura's 20th birthday...oh what a night! Another friend, Sarah, was supposed to come but couldn't last minute so was just Laura and myself. We went to Langtons and it was mental in there. The best part is when AC/DC came on and we rocked it! We started on our usual drinks then decided to try different shots and mixes. (FYI.. cointreau is nasty on its own as a shot!) Eventually we were just doing tequilas. At one point Laura turned and said, 'Oh God Niamhy, this is like our 4th tequila!'. 'Erm, more like 7th...' Ya guess who was the soberer one :P The started when we left Langtons. Laura gave me the drunken tour of Kilkenny and we got a taxi to hers. Arrived outside her outside... she had lost her handbag somewhere! Walked back into town and retraced our steps. No sign. We ended up at a roundabout somewhere, lay in the middle of it and called the Gards to report the missing handbag :P It was an epic night!

3 Words You Can't Go a Day Without Using:

1. Feck

2. Yera
3. Ow (because I'm forever hurting myself somehow!)

2 Things You Wish You Could Do:

1. Wish I was good at commitment. I don't mean relationship-wise, but in making a plan and sticking to it. I am always giving up on things! I need that go-getter attitude, I need motivation!

2. I wish I was good at sewing. I have so many clothes (old and new-ish) that I never wear. I would love to be able to alter them and make my own unique clothes.

1 Person You Can Trust:

My brother Mike. Is it bad that I can't say my mother?? She's always scheming and going behind my back, so sorry Mom! Mike is my big brother. He is old enough to be my dad though... 42! I don't get to see him as much since he's got engaged and had a baby. But I always know he's there for me. He has a wise old head on him, great for advice!

10 Day Challenge: Day 5

6 Songs You're Addicted To:

Only SIX!?!?! Well here's just a random 6 from my top 100 favourite songs!

An artist my sister played non stop when I was kid; Jeff Buckley - Last Goodbye 

My favourite Adele song, 'One and Only'

The song I listen to on full blast before any exam; Foo Fighters - The Pretender

The Coronas - Heroes or Ghosts in Irish is just amazing and full of memories for me

I'm gonna be extremely sad and include my favourite Abba song, Does Your Mother Know

Finally my all time favourite love song; Colin Raye - Love Me

Sunday, 8 July 2012

10 Day Challenge: Days 3 & 4

8 Things that Annoy You:

  1. My lack of motivation! Even if it's something really serious that I have to do... I still struggle to care. And it usually ends up biting me in the arse too!
  2. Men...or should I say Boys! Look lads, just figure out what you want and let me know because the guessing game and  being lead on crap is a heap of cow dung!
  3. My laptop.. well it's a netbook. It's getting slow and annoying. Sometimes I wanna feck it out the window, but it really is the main source of entertainment I have at home!
  4. The 'feel' of certain fabrics. Wool and velour in particular, give me the heeby-jeebies! *shudder*
  5. When texting turns uncomfortable... you're having a grand wee conversation with a lad then BOOM he starts trying to turn it dirty -_- like seriously, can't we have a nice chat and not have it turn into that crap...??
  6. Rude/Ignorant/Arrogant people. 
  7. Users and Abusers.
  8. When people lie to your face...and they don't lie very well. The temptation to say 'bullshhhiiit' is sometimes overwhelming! 

7 Fear/Phobias:

  1. Spiders! I just can't handle them... Above is the huge one in my room! We have an agreement... he stays over there as far away from my bed as possible and I won't have someone kill him. It's a good deal I think!
  2. It's not that I have a fear of heights, but I have a serious dread of climbing down ladders from any height above 7-8 ft. I just freak out and heart starts racing and vision goes blurry (which doesn't help!)
  3. Fear of failure.. I think everyone has this. I just hope I'm not a complete disappointment to my parents!
  4. Jellyfish! It's definitely not irrational.. they're horrible things which ruin days at the beach. When I was in Australia years ago, there was a jellyfish called a Bluebottle. It was small but once it's tentacles latched onto you, it could spread to 5-6 feet! The line of the string wouldn't turn red until 10mins and it's excruciating pain which usually lands people in the hospital! Like seriously God, what is the point of these creatures besides causing panic?!?!
  5. Wasps and Bees. Wasps is a worldwide one really. But bees... I was told when I was 6 that bees don't sting people as one landed on my nose.. told not to panic or worry. BOOM! STUNG!! Ever since I don't trust bees. But I can take comfort in that bees die after they sting >:]
  6. Falling. I'm always afraid I'm gonna fall into some random deep hole/pit that appears out of nowhere.
  7. Forever Alone. With my luck with guys, I do sometimes fear I'll be some lonely old spinster and nobody will want me or put up with me. But, hey, at least I'll have my cats!

10 Day Challenge: Days 1 & 2

As promised.. not doing this correctly :P

10 Random Facts About You:

  1. When I was 7 I won first prize in an art competition where we had to draw a picture of the French Armada coming into Bantry back in 1798. My picture was basically a scene out of Pirates of the Caribbean. Body parts in the sea, the ship in tatters and (the reason I can't believe I won..) a quarter of the sky wasn't coloured in because I ran out of blue marker.. still won..mostly due to the realistic gruesome aspect of it :P
  2. I make the best chicken fajitas! My Specialty!
  3. My main dream in life is to travel the world! I want to experience snowy New York in January... Monsoons in Thailand... Castles all over Europe... Tornadoes in Texas... Bungee jumping into the sea in Turkey... just want to see the world!
  4. I play the tin whistle, flute, accordion & acoustic guitar.
  5. I don't suffer fools gladly.. I do tend to put people back in their place if they piss me off enough.
  6. I am a Leo and proud of it.
  7. I'm a lil OCD... nothing too example: funny about different numbers. I'm not normal like some people only like odd or even numbers... I only like numbers that are multiples of 3, 5 and 7... but also like the numbers 11 and 13... does that make me weird?!
  8. I have the bad habit of putting others ahead of me.. something which I need to stop, or at least control a bit better so I'm not always screwing myself over!
  9. Since I joined Twitter back in November 2011, I have become seriously addicted! The best thing is that the person who made me sign up has over a 100 less followers than I do... I've taken to it like a duck to water! #Success :D
  10. I have a really bad addiction to coke! NO no.. not the drug coke, but the drink Coca Cola! I've tried stopping a few times and no joy! My argument when I get given out to about it is.... "Well..there's worse types of coke to be addicted now, isn't there?!?!" :P

9 Things You Do Everyday:

  1. Twitter!! Ridiculously addicted to it! Follow me!!! :P
  2. Stalk people on social networking sites.... :3
  3. Eat.. I eat ALOT. I love food and it shows with my big belly! 
  4. Tea.. Tea is part of the staple Irish diet!
  5. Contemplate life.. I always think about doing or trying stuff, but in the end I never do any of it really.
  6. Talk to my parents. This is only since moving home from college. I see them every single day..(cabin fever much!)
  7. Go on the exercise bike. It's a new thing I'm trying to stick to, to try decrease the aforementioned big belly :P Already getting compliments on looking better so yay!
  8. Look and take pictures. I like to reminisce over old pictures. I'm always taking pictures..even just on my phone. I never post them anywhere or anything though!
  9. Finally, I try go to sleep every night but never happens. My mind goes into overdrive and I worry about stuff there's no point in worrying about. Eventually I just pass out from tiredness!

10 Day Challenge

To get into the swing of things, I'm going to do a little blog challenge (and probably not do it correctly!) This is the 10 day challenge...which will probably get done in 5 days or less! 

10 Day Challenge