8 Things that Annoy You:
- My lack of motivation! Even if it's something really serious that I have to do... I still struggle to care. And it usually ends up biting me in the arse too!
- Men...or should I say Boys! Look lads, just figure out what you want and let me know because the guessing game and being lead on crap is a heap of cow dung!
- My laptop.. well it's a netbook. It's getting slow and annoying. Sometimes I wanna feck it out the window, but it really is the main source of entertainment I have at home!
- The 'feel' of certain fabrics. Wool and velour in particular, give me the heeby-jeebies! *shudder*
- When texting turns uncomfortable... you're having a grand wee conversation with a lad then BOOM he starts trying to turn it dirty -_- like seriously, can't we have a nice chat and not have it turn into that crap...??
- Rude/Ignorant/Arrogant people.
- Users and Abusers.
- When people lie to your face...and they don't lie very well. The temptation to say 'bullshhhiiit' is sometimes overwhelming!
7 Fear/Phobias:
- Spiders! I just can't handle them... Above is the huge one in my room! We have an agreement... he stays over there as far away from my bed as possible and I won't have someone kill him. It's a good deal I think!
- It's not that I have a fear of heights, but I have a serious dread of climbing down ladders from any height above 7-8 ft. I just freak out and heart starts racing and vision goes blurry (which doesn't help!)
- Fear of failure.. I think everyone has this. I just hope I'm not a complete disappointment to my parents!
- Jellyfish! It's definitely not irrational.. they're horrible things which ruin days at the beach. When I was in Australia years ago, there was a jellyfish called a Bluebottle. It was small but once it's tentacles latched onto you, it could spread to 5-6 feet! The line of the string wouldn't turn red until 10mins and it's excruciating pain which usually lands people in the hospital! Like seriously God, what is the point of these creatures besides causing panic?!?!
- Wasps and Bees. Wasps is a worldwide one really. But bees... I was told when I was 6 that bees don't sting people as one landed on my nose.. told not to panic or worry. BOOM! STUNG!! Ever since I don't trust bees. But I can take comfort in that bees die after they sting >:]
- Falling. I'm always afraid I'm gonna fall into some random deep hole/pit that appears out of nowhere.
- Forever Alone. With my luck with guys, I do sometimes fear I'll be some lonely old spinster and nobody will want me or put up with me. But, hey, at least I'll have my cats!
phew im not on the list