10 Random Facts About You:
- When I was 7 I won first prize in an art competition where we had to draw a picture of the French Armada coming into Bantry back in 1798. My picture was basically a scene out of Pirates of the Caribbean. Body parts in the sea, the ship in tatters and (the reason I can't believe I won..) a quarter of the sky wasn't coloured in because I ran out of blue marker.. still won..mostly due to the realistic gruesome aspect of it :P
- I make the best chicken fajitas! My Specialty!
- My main dream in life is to travel the world! I want to experience snowy New York in January... Monsoons in Thailand... Castles all over Europe... Tornadoes in Texas... Bungee jumping into the sea in Turkey... just want to see the world!
- I play the tin whistle, flute, accordion & acoustic guitar.
- I don't suffer fools gladly.. I do tend to put people back in their place if they piss me off enough.
- I am a Leo and proud of it.
- I'm a lil OCD... nothing too serious...one example: funny about different numbers. I'm not normal like some people only like odd or even numbers... I only like numbers that are multiples of 3, 5 and 7... but also like the numbers 11 and 13... does that make me weird?!
- I have the bad habit of putting others ahead of me.. something which I need to stop, or at least control a bit better so I'm not always screwing myself over!
- Since I joined Twitter back in November 2011, I have become seriously addicted! The best thing is that the person who made me sign up has over a 100 less followers than I do... I've taken to it like a duck to water! #Success :D
- I have a really bad addiction to coke! NO no.. not the drug coke, but the drink Coca Cola! I've tried stopping a few times and no joy! My argument when I get given out to about it is.... "Well..there's worse types of coke to be addicted now, isn't there?!?!" :P
9 Things You Do Everyday:
- Twitter!! Ridiculously addicted to it! Follow me!!! :P
- Stalk people on social networking sites.... :3
- Eat.. I eat ALOT. I love food and it shows with my big belly!
- Tea.. Tea is part of the staple Irish diet!
- Contemplate life.. I always think about doing or trying stuff, but in the end I never do any of it really.
- Talk to my parents. This is only since moving home from college. I see them every single day..(cabin fever much!)
- Go on the exercise bike. It's a new thing I'm trying to stick to, to try decrease the aforementioned big belly :P Already getting compliments on looking better so yay!
- Look and take pictures. I like to reminisce over old pictures. I'm always taking pictures..even just on my phone. I never post them anywhere or anything though!
- Finally, I try go to sleep every night but never happens. My mind goes into overdrive and I worry about stuff there's no point in worrying about. Eventually I just pass out from tiredness!
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